Creative Influx

As I type this, there are five blog posts (including this one) sitting in my drafts, all created within the last hour or so.

I’m still fairly new to the blogging game, but this influx is a pattern as familiar to me as the arrangement of books on my shelf. It spawns from a spark of inspiration/motivation brought on by a conversation, book, movie, contemplation, etcetera.

The source and strength of the spark don’t really matter; it elicits the same response: an abundance of writing, reading, singing, or exercising (if I’m lucky). Whatever suits my fancy at that moment.

I grasp onto these moments and strangle every last drop of creativity out of them. Because once they start to fade, the ideas disappear, and my motivation returns to its mediocre fortitude.

Sometimes I can ride on the high for days before it starts to sputter. Other times, it fizzles out in mere hours, usually due to distractions or prior commitments. I can feel it slipping away from me now after being interrupted by inquiries from insistent family members.

I’m hopeful for more influxes, whether they lead to more blog posts, more reading, or more progress in publishing my novel.

Until then, I’ll settle back into my sedentary pace and wait for the next spark to spur me.

Do you have creative influxes? What brings them on, and how do they play out?

Happy Existing!

C. R. Pigg

Note: This gem had been sitting in my drafts folder for almost two years, anticipating its grand debut. I planned to post it back in October of 2020 soon after my “Rediscovering Inspiration” post; however, that influx died when work got stressful, and I started focusing my efforts on writing a novel over writing blog posts.

I’m experiencing a bit of a reading influx now, which I plan on posting about soon(ish), but I feel it ramping down, so I’m trying to enjoy/indulge myself while I still can.

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