Short Stories & Writing Prompts

At my core, I am a novelist.

Albeit an aspiring novelist but a novelist all the same in the sense that my passion and strength (at least I think so) lie within long-form writing.

Of course, I’ve written a dozen or so flash fiction/short stories for school and for writing exercises during my time in the creative writing club in college, but I was always one of the last to put my pencil down (in spite of my cramping hand) due to my longing for the story to stretch out its roots and flourish into a magnificent, tall pine tree.

Contrary to my nature, I’ve decided to try something new(ish).

I found a journal at Target with short story prompts on each page along with a list of words to incorporate into each story. I’ve done similar exercises before, but the range of prompts and words piqued my interest, and the journal name/cover design elicited a sense of urgency within me to write.

That urgency obviously faded as it’s been almost a year since I bought the journal, and I finally just used one of the prompts to write a story; it’s no masterpiece but it got the rusting writer cogs in my brain turning again. I’ve been so focused on querying my witch fantasy novel/series the past few months that it was refreshing to do some carefree, creative writing.

If nothing else, it’s a nice distraction while I wait to hear back (and not hear back 🙃) from agents.

Happy Writing!

C. R. Pigg

P.S. I’ll post the story here if you’d like to check it out, and I’m going to try and post more as I make my way through the prompts.

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