NaNoWriMo 2022: Results

I know I’m a little late (okay, a lot late) in posting this, but as I’m sure all of you know, “the most wonderful time of the year” tends to also be the busiest.

Due to work, family, and some non-NaNoWriMo-related writing things (which I hope to discuss more on here soon), my 2022 project fell to the wayside.

As expected, I got nowhere close to 50,000 words, let alone my pseudo-goal of 15,000.

Still, I’m content with the 4,253 words I wrote in November, because progress is still progress, no matter how small.

I’m a fairly slow writer, so this is actually decent progress for me in one month. Outside of putting words to the page, I also got to spend some time pondering on my characters’ composition and where I see their arcs taking them.

I’ve often heard writers say that the majority of writing doesn’t involve the act of writing itself; it involves staring off into space and just…thinking.

There’s not much else to say on NaNoWriMo 2022 other than I’m glad I participated this year, and I’m hopeful I’ll finish the full first draft of this novel by November 2023.

I plan on writing at least one more blog post this year, but if plans fall through, or if this is the last post of mine you read in 2022, I hope you have the happiest of holidays and that the new year brings you peace and inspiration.

Happy Writing!

C. R. Pigg

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