Book Update: Title and Cover Reveal

In my last post, I announced my intent to self-publish the first book in my New Adult LGBTQ+ Witch Fantasy series at the beginning of 2023.

It may seem like a fast turnaround, but I’ve been working on editing and formatting my manuscript for the past couple of months with the intent to self-publish if nothing came of the few outstanding queries I hadn’t received responses from yet.

Well, I became a bit impatient and followed up on my submissions. Granted, this was after the allotted amount of time by which I was told a response would be sent.

And after waiting another couple of weeks with still no replies, I withdrew my outstanding queries and fully jumped into the abyss that is self-publishing.

Okay, it’s not that dramatic, but it is a lot of work.

Now, without further ado, I’m happy and proud to reveal the title and cover of my debut novel!


I’ll share the full book description in a later post, but for now, here’s the one-sentence pitch:

A powerless, reserved witch becomes enamored with an effervescent light witch, and together they combat complacent councilwitches, confront a group of extremists, and uncover the mysteries of Welkin (the floating island they inhabit) to stop its literal downfall.

The tentative publication month is February 2023.

If all goes according to plan, I’ll release the ebook, paperback, and hardcover versions all on the same day. If nothing else, the ebook will be released first and the paperback and hardcover will follow soon after.

Also, I’ll be posting frequent updates and will make an announcement once the official publication date is set.

Until then, wish me luck as I dot my i’s, cross my t’s, and pray to the book gods that this will all work out in the end.

Happy Writing! And Happy New Year!

C. R. Pigg

P.S. This year, I want to read more indie and self-published books to support other indie authors. So, feel free to comment with a link to your books, and I’ll be sure to check them out 🙂

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