Holidays in Fiction

Celebrations and holidays were at the forefront of my mind when thinking of ways to immerse readers into my book, Witches of Welkin, as quickly and smoothly as possible.

I began writing Witches of Welkin in October 2020 and, naturally, considered Halloween (or Samhain) as the first/opening holiday, but it seemed cliche and wasn’t conducive to the vibe I wanted to establish.

The initial reason why I chose to start the first book in my witch series with a Summer Solstice still eludes me; yet, in hindsight, it feels fortuitous.

Having little knowledge of the Summer Solstice, other than that it is the longest day of the year, I turned to handy-dandy Google to research it and other wiccan/pagan holidays.

I became enamored by the folklore and traditions of these festivities that now nestle within modern observances, but it was the few unfamiliar holidays that inspired me to frame the narrative of Witches of Welkin, and the subsequent books, by starting and ending each book with a different pagan holiday.

My hope is that this framework will help readers and myself keep track of the overarching series timeline while also enriching the world of Welkin.

Plus, it gives everyone an excuse to celebrate more often😀

Q: What’s your favorite holiday? And why?

Happy Summer Solstice!

C. R. Pigg

P.S. The Witches of Welkin eBook is currently $0.99! Available on AmazonBarnes & NobleApple Books, & Kobo/Kobo Plus!

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