Witches of Welkin: Publishing Update & Book Description

Currently, I’m finishing formatting the eBook and will post an announcement once it’s available on Amazon within the next few weeks.

“Walking Through Town”

I’m a little burnt out after two very busy weeks at work; therefore, my brain is a bit fried and can barely concentrate enough to write this sentence, let alone an entire blog post. So, here’s a song I composed called “Walking Through Town,” inspired by my witch fantasy novel, Witches of Welkin. Happy Listening!Continue reading ““Walking Through Town””

2023 Reading Goals: Indie Authors, Physical TBR, & Book Buying “Ban”

As we make our way into the second week of the new year, I suppose it’s about time I set some reading goals for myself. In the past, my reading goals have vastly ranged by number of books, but I’ve consistently tried to read more or at least the same amount of books as theContinue reading “2023 Reading Goals: Indie Authors, Physical TBR, & Book Buying “Ban””